Sunday, September 8, 2013


Faramarz Soleimani
I am a thing
In Chemistry Class,A Sequel
I am a thing 
not a patient
as soon as I became a patient 
to be a thing.
Kicked around In the wind
 Like a a spit 
In the air 
I am a patient 
I am a thing 
I am a string to play with 
Like in a puppet show
Death is my destiny 
Though I do not believe in destiny
I do not believe 
in death  either
And Time and Space 
never the same time 
and never the same space
I am a thing
I am a patient.


  1. Enjoyed reading it. And my reply:

    Are You Content?
    for Windermere

    Here’s the question, Are you content?
    One wants to turn the clock back to 50
    the other to 23, but you say
    I’m okay with where I am.

    To go through the travail once more
    to repeat the experience
    lest one doesn’t carry the lessons learned.

    In the field, the granddaughter hits the ball
    fearlessly dribbles, passes the defendant
    and kicks it into the net
    smiling, she’s thrilled with the goal.

    The boy folds the paper 75 times
    he moves his fingers like a pianist
    a building shapes up, rises from his palm
    he’s pleased with the effort.

    I have come a long way to see your face
    to see beneath the waves
    to walk under the full moon
    to breathe the morning breeze.

    I'm content with where I am.

    Mo H Saidi
    Summer of 2013

    Mo H Saidi, MD, ALM
    Managing Editor, Voices de la Luna
    A Quarterly Poetry & Arts Magazine
    Voices Online, Voices Facebook, Voices Blog, Voices Twitter

  2. You are a "thing" are a "patient"... and a good poet/ physician/ a literary critic ....and a wonderful human being.

    Jahangir Jon Sedaghatfar, Architect
