Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Faramarz Soleimani:In chemistry class-8
I wallk up and down Canal street
I pass Starbucks Cafe,
Rodrigue's blue dog piano, Saenger ,Ritz Carlton and the like
to find myself in Tulane U
There are a couple of big fat people with me
To take Chemistry Class
I go to professor
And ask why should I take exam again
While my Grades were so good 
She says this is a rule
If you deal with these big fat people again
You should sit
In chemistry class again
or take diet.
In school ,my teacher,khosro Salimi
Did not like my grade to be 
Better than anybody else's
And gave the best grade to my body,Kazem Rostamkolai
Ebrahim Lotfian my good ole friend told me :
Go take it
He dosen't want you to be top of the class
I took it, and still became top of the class
I don't think professor like my high grade either
And doesn't want me to be 
Top of the class.
So I am going to be ready
And take the test again

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