Saturday, July 6, 2013


There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley, and the other was Diego. Diego was by far the worst.
Frida Kahlo

At times pain and sorrow are beautiful and one may find a good example in Frida's paintings with plenty of masterly samples.Her on and off relationship with Diego Rivera wasn't a bad inspiration.Not bad at all.They both belonged to Freud's Subconscious creativity and especially with Rivera:Jung collective unconscious in his analytical psychology ,an unconscious mind of not only Mexican history but humanity,who produced all those vast murals,remained or destroyed.In Frida Khalo's work too you may find those personal pain and sorrow according to individual narrative of a bloody private life, as personal mural of a woman,who happened to be a realist-surrealist artist.This narrative of privacy as a symbol of life of female community could be considered one of the primary steps of modernity not less important than impressionism or rise of free poetry and novels. ZK

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