Saturday, January 1, 2011


O PEOPLE of NIMA is portrait of people,as victim,in the context of history.A history from the beginning,that is objective rather than just an origin.People who are present in all Nima's poems and notes,even if they are not called,and in here,in people are presenting words.
People are the one Nima is searching and looking for.Is the one Nima toches and senses on his way.
Nima is looking for people on his way to sing along with him and share his pains and sufferings,as he does the same with them.Nima once said that the essence of his poems is grief and suffering,and he is writing poetry of peolple's sufferings.This collective song could be heard in other pieces of Nima,like in MEMORY,with a burning image in front of his eyes and his mind,in fact our eyes and our mind,to see everybody and everything in front of him,in a cover all night long with juxtaposirion of awakened poet versus sleeping people and in expecting the dawn.But in Nima's poetry and by his commitment he has kept this scene open;not only by his poems but in his historical writings and words...
In O PEOPLE,what Nima is seeing at the sea is what he wants the sea of people to sail to and to share in seeing and suffering.This is a wake up call for a sleeping society and people,who choses to spend time and reprieve in sleep.
O PEOPLE is  Nima's major sermon in a compassionate tone and accent.It is a penchant Nima raises to call the people to help and to tell the people,they are not lonely and they are being helped by extending a hand.
In the final stanza,Nima is depicting the nature again,but his nature is not always attractive,and this time even fearsome.
Isn't that the nature of nature,and what Nima is telling us throuogh his words and images?
O people,who are sitting on the shore
Happy and smiling
Someone being drown in water
Someone is being in constant struggle
On this rapid,dark and heavy current that you know
When you are overjoyed of defeating your foe
When you think in vain
To hold hands of poor
To give him a strenght
When you tighten
Your belts,and with all these
When I say
Someone is drowning in water
And saceificing himself in vain.

O people who are sitting on shore
Around your joyful spread
Fully dressed
With your bread prepared
Someone is calling you in the water
Beating heavy waves with exhausted hands
Devouring fear
Opening his mouth
Eyes wide open
Seeing your shadows faraway
Swallowing water in blue deep
with groeing weakness
Calling for help
Pulling his head and feet out of water.

O people!
He finds this old world again
From faraway
Shouting and hoping for help again.

O people!
Who are watching from calm shore
The wave beats
From silent shore
Spreads as a fallen
Unconscious drunk
Goes away roaring
And his call comes back again.

O people!
and wind blows each time more fearsome
through water far and near
Again in our ears.

O people!

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