Saturday, September 19, 2020

Joie de Vivre

 Joie de Vivre

در اين زمانه ى تاريك و تار بيماري و در دوران شكنجه و جنك و بيزارى ، طبيعت هميشه تر و تازه و پر طراوت است و به سرخوشى مشغول... درختان و گل ها و گياهان هر شهر و ديار نشانى از اين زندگى خوشباشى و هدونيستيك دارند و فصلى خاص را براى جشن و شادمانى نمى شناسند . بلوط هاى زنده شهرما نيو اورلينز مدام مشغول رقص و پايكوبى اند و غان و زيزفون ونارون و چنار دست در آغوش هم دارند و ماگنوليا دست كامليا را گرفته است زندگى در اين جا زندگي مى كند.

Positive thinking


Positive thinking is a dream to create the world , while negative thinking is no thinking . ZK

Global warming



Global warming is a challenge

Challenge of mother earth against human being

Challenge of human being against mother earth 

Is it Hurricane season in New Orleans? 

Zohreh Khaleghi



Legends never die 🖤

Ruth Bader Ginsburg truly cared for women and their rights as well as the rest of America, and in every great democracy we must always hear the voices of those we have dissent. Now time for this nation to stand as ONE 🙏

Monday, August 31, 2020

Philosophy is dead

 Philosophy is dead
And poetry is sitting on his throne
As everything vanished
The alchemy of word replaced it
And the world
Is only a Haiku
Zohreh Khaleghi


Today’s Poem by Zohreh Khaleghi
When the end arrives
with all the pain
we suffered
on and off the field
of playing togetherness,
and hands seeking hands
and heart seeking heart,
you are asking
what the point is
and the legacy?
Legacy is a mirage
in a game of
hide and seek

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


I called my mom today at 1:20 pm , she didn’t answer, I called her once again and again and again even knowing she won’t answer my phone anymore.
My phone is sitting next to my heart
If there is a message
I take it
If there is no message
Still I hear you
As my phone
Is always
Sitting next to my heart
I always love you , see you soon mom 🖤
امروز بعدازظهر ساعت١:٢٠ مامانم ، دوستم، عشقم، همدردم، رازدارم، نفسم،اميدم رفت . 🖤🌹

Monday, April 6, 2020

شاعرانی هستند که بر سر زبان مردم اند 
و شاعرانی 
که ترجمان زبان مردم اند 
یکی گفت شادمانی بی سبب 
که منظورش الکی خوشی ست 
و دیگری 
به جای سر خوشی 
نوشت خوش سری 
و شاعران متوسط 
دنباله روی موجودی فرهنگند
زهره خالقي 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Super ball Sunday



My French Quarter window
Turning around
A round wrought iron balcony
Passing Rodriguez blue dogs
With eyes wide open
Sitting in a cafe
Sipping on cafe au lait
And biting on sugar powdered beignet
The sun
And the wind
Are envying
My French Quarter Window
Colored green , gold and lavender
In the era of Mardi Gras
Zohreh Khaleghi