Saturday, November 20, 2010


from 21 november 1898
to 15 august 1967
RENE MAGRITTE was tempted badly with creation.
Itching all over body
he pulled submerged sirens
out of the wave on the rocks
and made no comments
between the lines
while nursing them.
Not much of story left
but kisses goodbye
in silence.
What is this constant cry then
for rituals of love?!
An there were clouds
penetrating windows
of the world.
Rene Magritte,born at Lessines,in Belgium and a pioneer of L'ecole Blge de Surrealistes,with his countyman:Delavaux,who was born a year before him in 1897 but never reached  the same level of international acclaim,as Magritte.
In Magritte's oeuvres,objects are constantly transformd and leave behind an absurd trace,not always being seen ,but manipulating the viewer's mind.So although precisions are felt,but his anti-painting ,similar to Chirico's,is going  successfully for confusion and tumult.The tumbler,but stays alive and well ,and his sesitivities are brushing ours.That is how Magritte went towards impressionism,although he started with cubism and even futurism.The great visionary did not overlook the east in his vast world,and his Sheherzad,with three impressive rings of eyes and lips, is one of his final oeuvres,painted 1950.
This brief note and the poem above,is  to celebrate Magritte's birthday on November 21,2010

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