Saturday, July 6, 2013


NARGES ELIKAEEنرگس الیکائی
نویسنده و نقاش

متولد ١٣٣٩مازندران منطقه ی کجور،روستای لاشک, نوشهر
کتب ها
1 - پديدههاي صبور
2-چون عقربهاي جهان را به حركت در مي آورد
3- درختان صلح
4-زني به اندازه شعر هايش
5-ستون پنجم كائنات
و سه كتاب در نوبت مجوز
1-براي ستايش باران
2-آنها كه مي روند و آنها كه مي مانند
3- يك سقوط آزاد به سوي فراموشي)
آخرين مجموعه شعر منتشر شده
 شراب صلح , سایت آما زون
  مجموعه داستان کوتاه :در سكوت شاليزار

مجموعه شعر دو زبانه فارسی و انگلیس:
شراب صلح
در سایت آمازون
بر می گردم
با پیراهنی که حل نمی شود
اگر چه مسئله نیست
صورت یا باقی مانده
تنها یک پیراهن است
که گوشه ای از آن را
باد با خود می برد
گوشه ای دیگر آن را
باز می سازد
نه !
پس تو پیراهن نیستی
تو جنگلی
بی نیاز به موسیقی متن
آتشفشانی که حریمش را
دوست می دارد


در سوگ خود

من آسان نمردم
دست به شقیقه ام
که نبردند
تارو پود خیالم
یک به یک گسست
چون کلافی خونین
قلبم به دره ای دور پرتاب شد
اینک مانده ام
خیره به تو
نه هیاهو به پا می کنم
نه سینه ستبر
با اندهی بزرگ
تنها می ایستم
نگاه می کنم
سخت تر از اینها هم
می توانستم بمیرم
چگونه به غارت رفت
انسانی شگرف .

هسته خیال:

پرنده را که دیدم
پرواز در خیالم نشست
ریشه به سنگ شدنم خواند و
خاک به نیاکانم دعوت کرد
با همهء اینها
هستهء خیالم رسم شد و
عصیانم شکل گرفت
دیگر به عبور از حیطهءخود متهم نمی شوم
چرا که انکار حقیقت
نا بخشودنی تراز
عصیان از بی عدالتی طبیعت است
چرا که من از اول پرنده بودم
تخم مرا که زود شکستند
پرواز را نیاموخته
به دنیا آمدم

Born in Nowshahr,Mazandaran, Iran, in 1960 Narges Elikaee started her literary career since early youth and has so far published three books of poems. Selected poems from Elikaee has been translated into English by Manavaz Alexandrian.

"Patient Phenomenons" is the first volume of Elikaee's poems which was published in 2000 by Vars Publication Institute. The book contains 53 blank verses. Here the poet expresses herself as a manifestation of lonely person in the machine age. The poet is compelled to pour out her feelings in order to escape from her boiling anger and fear. Her language is allegorical, yet clear and far from sentimentalism. The lines are simple, intimate and reflect deep human thoughts easily conceivable by a variety of audience. The poems flow in manner as if the poet herself is behind her lines and is declaiming her poetry. She speaks instead of us, laughs and weeps instead of us and urges us to be a lover. "Let's be a mother to all the world" is one of her poems in this collection which better reflects Elikaee's feelings:

We want a volcanic heart.
Let's cut love
from stones,
let's cause love to blossom
from fire.
Nobody can cross harmless
from this glowing fire.
Let's be a mother to all the world.
Let's leave love behind.
We will make every wall meaningless.
Because a child is being born
from our hands
who understands love
in all languages.

"Trees of Peace" was published in autumn 2002 by Omran Publication Institute. This is the third book of poetry from Elikaee. Tress of Peace contains 64 poems in which the poet employs her distinct styles. She proclaims "It is I. It is my look to you, to myself and to this world. Here we come across subjects which although expresses the poet's abstract feelings are capable to becoming collective beliefs and reconcile us in common sympathy. The dramatic and melancholy images reach their peak of excellence in the "The Skeleton of Happiness". These are the pains of all great men who have understood the bitter fate of man and nothing can deviate them from these images. Skeleton of Happiness very much resembles Hedayat's Blind Bat and its melancholy atmosphere reminds us of Kafka's Metamorphosis:

She gave up her soul.
They helped her stand from every side.
One of them fixed her cap,
another bound her shoes,
a third person helped her hold her cane.
I who couldn't make her laugh
arranged her teeth.
Her cheeks bulged as if she was smiling.
Now she looks like a happy skeleton.
You may write a good biography for her,
a delicate poem.
You can say that she was born happy,
lived happy
and this is her skeleton of happiness.

"It Turns the World Moving Like A Pendulum" is the second book of poem from Elikaee which was published in May 2001 by Tehran Seda Publication Instituate. The book contains 160 very short poems resembling the hayko. Some poems are highly illuminating and convey deep aesthetic feelings compressed in as few lines as possible. The poet conveys the most profound meanings in satirical vein and introduces various subjects and images. She moves to and fro - from past to presence and from present to past like the pendulum. The miniature poems are much more adaptable to present age which has little time for lengthy material. The poet discovers elements in life that are hidden to our eye. Before this volume Elikaee has published "Patient Phenomenons" and "The Trees of Peace".

The following are poems from "It Turns the World Moving Like A Pendulum":

Words are slaves
that are emancipated in the poem.

The goddesses of love perch on high windows
to help love's body to grew taller.
We are born from love and
are devoured by something called war.
I asked: "What is the meaning of poverty?

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