Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WHY DO I WRITE NIMA?نیمایوشیج: افسانه

AFSANEH,Introduction#4,part 1
What we are witnessing now as an unrest in the past decade or two,has been translated in Nima's poetry ,into a revolution with all original and exuberant features.
Afsaneh of Nima was a starting point of a new poetry,specifically called NEW POETRY.,written by the theorititian and pioneer of this revolution in contemporary persian poetry,SHER NIMAI,
a k a:SHER NOW.
For a long time,poetry of Iran became a crop,in awe and intimidation by our heritage of the past,rather than discovery of present and creation of future.Social changes of the west and their technology also shared in these influences.Nima returned poetry to a form of art.He made it a creation of artist's mind,what he liked to call HONARPISHEH,now in contemporary Farsi/Persian language:ACTOR or ACTRESS.
If Nima did not appear at the turn of Persian century,1300/1921,with his visions and ideas,and his works,still we would be writing the poetry of return,a popular way of Ghajar era,and would argue on grammatical points in poetry but not inventing or changing them,or as Nima did bringing about The Language of Mazandarani or Tabari or Tati,meaning Non Turkic,as he liked to call it.
Nima from the essence and core of tradition and culture approached a new poetry.To open the gates and show the way for poets and their readers to follow.This tradition was not limited to Persian Heritage,but to European Schools as well,and particularly with symbolism of French poetry and writings.It was taken to the texts and new structures of Persian Poetry,and was instrumental to changes in the other fields of art,literature,and thoughts in Iran.
For the revolts as yet to come,Nima changed the road signs and raised hands for guidance.He compiled his Ideas in his notes and letters to friend,at times imaginary as well,frequently written to unidentified  correspondants,and or introductions to the selected poems of young generation such as Manuchehr Sheibani,Esmail Shahrudi,Shin Partov,among others..In his notes,Nima discussed poets and poetics in details,while as a prolific poet and writer,he was writing poetry and stories for adults and children...

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